How much is my property worth?
This is probably the most frequently asked question in real estate. How much is it worth? The truth is, no one can tell you for sure. The actual value is what a buyer is willing to pay for it. Our job is to provide you with a realistic estimate of value. We will look at your property and then compare it against recent sales, historical trends and other market data to create an estimate of value. Our analysis will take the actual condition of the properties into consideration which is something that none of the online guestimates can do. We do not inflate our estimates to gain your business. Inflated estimates don't help anyone. Listing too high can delay the sale of the property and cause complications that make the sale difficult or impossible. If you want to know how much your property is worth, working with a local agent who understands the area and can provide an accurate analysis is the best place to start. Our CMA is always free!
Our Services

Are you ready to sell but don't know where to start?
Start by reaching out to a qualified, licensed and local real estate agent. We work and live in the real estate market every day. We can provide you with the best, most accurate information available so that you can make good decisions about selling your property. Even if we don't have the answer there's a good chance we know where to get it. A free seller consultation is your chance to ask any questions you might have, discuss your goals and learn about your options. It's also a good opportunity to get to know an agent to see if they are a good fit for you. With us, there is never any pressure. No sales tactics or scripts. Just honest, accurate information.

Are you considering a new home or property purchase?
Buying a new home, camp or even raw land can be an intimidating process. Reach out to a real estate agent who can explain the process, point you in the right direction for financing options and work to find you the perfect property. All of that starts with a free consultation where you can get to know the agent and see if they are a good fit for you. We work with buyers from anywhere and have helped clients from as far away as Idaho find their dream home here in Maine. We are there for our clients, from start to finish, and every step along the way.
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Real Wright is an independently owned and operated office affiliated with:
The Maine Real Estate Experience
81 Maine Street
Auburn ME 04921
Contact Real Wright